CS50 lecture 2023-2024

Week 1 assignment

  • Your project must use at least two sprites, at least one of which must not be a cat.

  • Your project must have at least three scripts total (i.e., not necessarily three per sprite).

  • Your project must use at least one conditional, at least one loop, and at least one variable.

  • Your project must use at least one custom block that you have made yourself (via Make a Block), which must take at least one input.

  • Your project should be more complex than most of those demonstrated in lecture (many of which, though instructive, were quite short) but it can be less complex than Oscartime and Ivy’s Hardest Game.

I had so much fun and ended up caring too much about the custom assets and style adherence that I can’t resist sharing the process.

Custom assets

Disclaimer: The eorzea font and Alpha sprites are of course the creative property of Square Enix. Sound design is original and synthesized from Scratch’s library.

Custom made assets by myself include:

  • Omega screenshots converted to cut out animations, into lower detail drawings that were then also handdrawn to be converted into a low-bit rate aesthetic. Leg movement was done by dragging and displacing sprites in illustrator. (i don’t know what i was thinking, honestly)

  • All User Interface elements (excluding Alpha’s happy face)

  • Omega’s leg movement and movement/idle animations.


Portfolio 2011


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